Summary of Achievements in 2015
| 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 |
Under the ‘Women’s Human Rights and Governance’ Programme
- TWO LOCAL LEVEL INSTITUTIONAL MECHANISMS ANNOUNCED — (i) State Government of Pakistan Administered Kashmir operationalized the State Commission on the Status of Women (SCSW) with a notification for 15 members which includes representation of women from all 10 districts. (ii) The Provincial Assembly of Sindh passed the ‘Sindh Commission on the Status of Women Bill, 2015’ on 6 April. Through this Act the provincial government shall constitute Sindh’s Provincial Commission on the Status of Women for promotion of social, economic, political and legal rights of women
- GENDER RESPONSIVE POLICY FRAMEWORK AND STRATEGIC PLAN LAUNCHED — (i) A ‘Women’s Empowerment Policy Framework’ for the Province of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa was launched on 13 April. (ii) National Commission on the Status of Women developed a 3-year Strategic Plan (2016-2018) with clear milestones to institutionally strengthen the Commission to deliver its key priorities
- GENDER RESPONSIVE BUDGET ALLOCATIONS AND EXPENDITURES — 7 Federal Ministries integrated Gender Equality indicators and targets in their Green Books using tools and knowledge provided by UN Women. A number of other Ministries and Divisions in implementing gender equality commitments and practicing gender responsive budgeting initiated gender related targets within their Green Books and Budget Call Circulars
- CEDAW PROVINCIAL COMMITTEES ESTABLISHED — One CEDAW State Committee was established in Pakistan Administered Kashmir on 20 April to monitor CEDAW/Concluding Observations
Under the ‘Women’s Economic Empowerment’ Programme
- MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM (MIS) DEVELOPED — Punjab and Sindh’s Labour and Human Resource Departments (LHRDs) in collecting officiated data on informal women HBWs, developed and operationalized a MIS through which data of 17,000 women HBWs (7,000 from Punjab and 10,000 from Sindh has been entered into the System
- NATIONAL IDENTITY CARDS ISSUED TO WOMEN HBWs AND LANDLESS FARMERS — Over 5,570 informal women HBWs and landless farmers were registered with the National Database and Registration Authority (NADRA) and issued with a Computerized ID Card (CNIC) or a Smart National ID Card (SNIC), where the SNIC is an advanced chip-based identity card
- TWO BUSINESS GROWTH CENTRES ESTABLISHED — Business Growth Centers established in Lahore (Punjab) and Karachi (Sindh)
- SKILLS DEVELOPMENT AND INCOME GENERATION — 650 women HBWs (100 directly and 550 indirectly) developed technical and entrepreneurial skills from the newly established Business Growth Centres and were introduced to non-traditional and creative handicraft making - marble mosaic, sea shell decorations, and gem and artificial jewelry designing - and were linked to markets. More than 800 women HBWs were provided with alternative skills development (moving from hand stitching to machine stitching) and 303 women HBWs benefitted from formal employment and entrepreneurial opportunities including set-up of small level import and export production units
- LAND TENANCY RIGHTS ISSUED TO LANDLESS WOMEN FARMERS — 1,214 landless women farmers from Sindh Province received land tenancy rights (a written contract deed with security of tenure), a first for Pakistan. Under the Land Tenancy Agreements male landlords leased out their land to women tenant farmers for an agreed period, where the women tenants now possess the right to access land, have a place to live, operate the farm as per their plans and receive a portion of profit from crops grown
- FARMERS, SHARECROPPERS AND LANDLESS WOMEN BECOME FOOD SECURE AND DISASTER RESILIENT — 831 farmers, sharecroppers and landless women increased their knowledge on and adopted alternative food preservation methods to improve their livelihood, food and economic security, particularly during times of disasters. 152 women and 679 men were trained on how to restore and protect their farm production capacities and off-farm income generating activities. With limited knowledge and traditional methods of food preservation these women and men post- training adopted new ways to preserve food (vegetable and pulses), produce edible and preservable products (pickle, jam and juice making) and packaging, storing and marketing skills
- FARMERS, SHARECROPPERS AND LANDLESS WOMEN ARE BETTER AWARE OF THEIR HEALTH AND ACCESS HEALTH INSURANCE — 3.455 farmers, sharecroppers and landless women from Sindh were educated on health-related issues (307 women and 1,898 men) and facilitated to access health insurance (1,250 women)
- PRIVATE SECTOR ADOPT GENDER RESPONSIVE INITIATIVES — 17 CEOs from private sector companies in Sialkot, Punjab Province and the Employer Federation of Pakistan (which is the representative of employers in Pakistan) signed the CEO Statement of Support for the Women’s Empowerment Principles
Under the ‘Ending Violence Against Women’ Programme
- FIVE LAWS AND PLANS WERE DRAFTED AND/OR APPROVED — (i) The Punjab Protection of Women against Violence Bill 2015 approved; (ii) Balochistan’s Anti-Sexual Harassment at the Workplace Bill approved; (iii) Development of Rules of Business on Balochistan's Domestic Violence (Prevention and Protection) Bill (2014) initiated; and (iv) development of implementation plans/strategies on adopted anti-sexual harassment legislations in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Pakistan Administered Kashmir initiated
Under the ‘Women’s Leadership in Social Reconstruction’ Programme
- WOMEN FROM DISPLACED COMMUNITIES ISSUED NATIONAL IDENTITY CARDS — 400 women headed families displaced from the North Waziristan Agency military operation who left without their personal documents and ID card, were facilitated and issued with a Computerized National Identity Card (CNIC). With a CNIC these women and their families obtained assistance during displacement, return and recovery
- VILLAGE DISASTER MANAGEMENT COMMITTEES FORMED — 120 Village Disaster Management Committees (VDMCs) through which community women and men increased their resilience to future shocks through gender and community based DRR/M practices and mechanisms. Each VDMC was comprised of seven members of which 40 per cent are women. VDMC members developed village disaster management/contingency plans and revolving/emergency fund mechanisms based on risk, vulnerability and hazard assessment and resource mapping enabling them to respond to disasters in more effective and organized manner with district administration, UN agencies and humanitarian response organizations
Under ‘Advocacy and Media Campaigns’
- HEFORSHE LAUNCHED BY UN WOMEN IN PAKISTAN — On 25 February, the UN Country Team on behalf of the UN System in Pakistan joined UN Women’s solidarity movement to engage men and boys as advocates and agents of change for the achievement of gender equality and women’s advancement. On 28 February, UN Women with the British High Commission and UNDP held a conference focused on women’s empowerment and the importance of supporting women in achieving their potential and the role of men women’s empowerment. In less than 48 hours, and with almost 5,000 online sign-ups from Pakistan alone, on 8 May Pakistani youth propelled the number of global HeForShe champions to over 300,000. On 25 November over 200 male parliamentarians and youth activists from Pakistan Administered Kashmir committed to the ‘HeForShe’ solidarity movement for gender equality. Additional events took place in Quetta (Balochistan), Karachi (Sindh) and Hyderabad (Sindh)
- ORANGE THE WORLD — For 16 Days of Activism under the “Orange The World” global campaign two iconic landmark buildings in Islamabad, Pakistan, turned orange in colour - the National Monument of Pakistan was lit for all 16 days from 24 November in partnership with Philips Pakistan Limited, and the Saudi Pak Tower in Blue Area went orange for 10 December, a collaboration with Ericsson Pakistan, where UN Women announced Muniba Mazari as its first National Ambassador for Pakistan
- 16 WOMEN, 16 STORIES — UN Women Pakistan joined hands with Humans of Pakistan (inspired by Humans of New York) during the 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence and presented “16 Women, 16 Stories”, a powerful social media campaign using images and stories of local Pakistani women who achieved their dreams in the face of adversity. One story was posted on each of the 16 Days on the Humans of Pakistan Facebook page
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