Summary of Achievements in 2017
| 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 |
Under the ‘Women’s Human Rights and Governance’ Programme
- ONE PROVINCIAL WOMEN MACHINERY NOTIFIED — Balochistan’s Provincial Cabinet and Assembly approved the 'Provincial Commission on Status of Women Balochistan'. The bill highlights the functions of the Commission along with its Composition and powers
- PAKISTAN’S PERIODICAL 5TH CEDAW REPORT DEVELOPED — UN Women provided technical support to the Ministry of Human Rights to prepare the 5th CEDAW report and supported the consultative process to finalize the draft. Additionally, UN Women provided technical assistance to provincial women machineries in their reporting contribution to Pakistan's CEDAW report
- CIVIL SOCIETY ADVISORY GROUP ESTABLISHED - A 2nd (renewed) Civil Society Advisory Group (CSAG) in Pakistan was constituted on 11 August to act as a platform to conduct consultations and dialogue to ensure that UN Women stays connected to the real needs and issues of Pakistan’s women and girls and to its civil society, and informed on the key priorities areas through civil society’s expertise, experience, perspective and knowledge
Under the ‘Women’s Economic Empowerment’ Programme
- THREE POLICIES APPROVED TO ADVANCE WOMEN'S ECONOMIC EMPOWERMENT — 3 gender responsive policies in the provinces of Punjab (Home Based Workers Policy (official approval and notification on 21 April), Sindh (Home Based Workers Policy (official approval and notification on 25 May) and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (Women Empowerment Policy launched on 6 December)
- SKILLS DEVELOPMENT AND INCOME GENERATION — 875 informal women workers improved their access to formal employment and decent work by developing their skills on machine control, stitching and machine maintenance from 2 Sialkot-based training institutions and 14 industries. Following this training, 704 women were inducted into 14 partner garment industries, benefiting from formal employment and decent work
- ONE KNOWLEDGE PRODUCT DEVELOPED AND DISSEMINATED — The 'Punjab Home Based Workers Survey 2016' was launched and disseminated by the Bureau of Statistics Punjab (BoSP) on 28 December. The survey report, prepared by BoSP with support from UN Women, ILO, UNIDO provides real-time evidence-based data/statistics and information of 9,000 households of HBWs and their families to policy-formulators and decision-makers on the dynamics (profile, type and nature) and challenges faced (including low wages, invisibility, gender disparities and mainstreaming of contribution)
- PRIVATE SECTOR ADOPT GENDER RESPONSIVE INITIATIVES — (i) ‘Gender Gap Analysis and Capacity Enhancement Strategy and Plan' for 7 textile/garment sector factories/industries developed; (ii) 20 companies signed the CEO Statement of Support - 16 organizations from Sialkot and Faisalabad in Punjab, WeRPlay, a local company in Islamabad and 3 Multi-Nationals - PepsiCo Pakistan, Nestle Pakistan and Unilever Pakistan; and (iii) The Overseas Investors Chamber of Commerce and Industries (OICCI) made a pledge to create more inclusive workplaces for women
Under the ‘Ending Violence Against Women’ Programme
- FIVE LAWS, POLICIES AND STRATEGIES DRAFTED AND/OR APPROVED — In Balochistan: (i) People with Disability Bill (2017), (ii) The Elderly People’s Bill (2017) and (iii) Balochistan Bill “Prohibit the Solemnization of Child Marriage”. In Punjab (iv) The Punjab Women Protection Authority Act 2017 and in Sindh (v) The Code of Criminal Procedure (Sindh Amendment) Act, 2017 - The Amendment 156 C made in the Code of Criminal Procedure (1898) and added a mandatory DNA testing in rape cases
- ONE KNOWLEDGE PRODUCT DEVELOPED AND DISSEMINATED — Pakistan’s first Women Safety Audit Report was launched in Lahore 2017’ developed to assess the safety concerns of women and girls availing public transport facilities for economic, social and educational activities. Based on real-time information that includes 903 women commuters and 100 bus drivers/conductors the audit outlines recommendations to improve legislation, polices and plans to make public spaces sensitive and responsive to the needs of women commuters
- WOMEN’S SAFETY APP LAUNCHED — The Office in November 2016 introduced an internationally renowned best practice to Pakistan - a mobile safety app, based on the best practices from India and Egypt. Owned by the Punjab Government, the ‘Women’s Safety App’ was launched in January 2017 recognizing the support of UN Women. The app offers: location ‘safety’ audit; emergency helpline; traffic news, GPS tracking; and a knowledge base on women’s issues and rights
Under ‘Advocacy and Media Campaigns’
- ONE YEAR OF UN WOMEN PAKISTAN ON SOCIAL MEDIA — The Office completed its first year of social media communications. In leveraging mobilization of people aimed at personal and social change, several initiatives were undertaken. The highest impacting behavioral change and social awareness raising campaigns, with a combined audience ‘reach’ of 2.8 million - Facebook reach and Twitter impressions
- EDUCATION AND CITIZENS ENGAGEMENT ON WOMEN’S RIGHTS — In collaboration with Morango Films, aspiring filmmakers developed 60-sec films which were screened throughout the year on social media and through roadshows creating awareness on women’s rights under the areas of: harassment-free workplaces/educational institutes; safe public spaces; internet safety; and women’s political rights
- DISABILITIES AND GENDER MINORITIES CAMPAIGNS — (i) In leaving no one behind, and more so persons with disabilities and gender minorities: a) a campaign on “6 Women, 6 Inspirations: Break the stigma - Inclusion Matters!” was linked to the 10th session of the Conference of States Parties to the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, gave voice and visibility to women living with disabilities; (ii) On International Day of Persons with Disabilities, “Iqra’s story” spotlighted how women with disabilities are more vulnerable to all forms of violence; (iii) On International Human Rights Day a short video highlighted how gender minorities face a higher rate of discrimination and violence than the male and female gender due to social norms and beliefs
- SEVEN PREMIERS IN PAKISTAN — The documentary play “SEVEN” with real-life stories of 7 women activist from 7 countries, through its Pakistan premiere raised awareness on access to justice and promoted legal services and actions on VAW. SEVEN includes the story of Pakistan’s Mukhtar Mai, a gang rape survivor who spoke up and fought for her justice
- THE BRIDAL UNIFORM CAMPAIGN - As part of 16 Days of Activism commemorations, in collaboration with Ali Xeeshan, a Pakistani clothes designer, a controversial ‘bridal uniform’ was worn by a child on the ramp during the Bridal Couture Week 2017 finale. The ‘bridal uniform’ was used to question the trade-off when a child is deprived of her right to education, and is married off instead
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