Summary of Achievements in 2009
| 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 |
Under the ‘Women’s Human Rights and Governance’ Programme
- WOMEN PARLIAMENTARIAN CAUCUS ESTABLISHED - UN Women’s advocacy and lobbying for institutional mechanisms to ensure women’s human rights contributed in the establishment of a Women Parliamentarian Caucus.
- TWO CEDAW PROVINCIAL COMMITTEES ESTABLISHED - Two provincial CEDAW Provincial Committees established in Sindh and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
- INTER-PROVINCIAL MINISTERIAL GROUP FOR WOMEN DEVELOPMENT LAUNCHED - Enhanced coordination between the Ministry of Women’s Development, Women Development Departments and other Line Departments through formation of the Inter-Provincial Ministerial Group (IPMG) for Women Development and CEDAW implementation and reporting. UN Women facilitated the former Ministry of Women Development in collaboration with GTZ in development of the IPMG as a mechanism to implement, monitor and track the 2007 CEDAW Committees Concluding Comments
- NATIONAL PLAN OF ACTION ON GENDER EQUALITY AND WOMEN’S EMPOWERMENT REVIEWED - Review and revision of the National Plan of Action on Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment was led by the Ministry of Women’s Development and supported by UN Women
Under the ‘Women’s Economic Empowerment’ Programme
- DRAFT HOME BASED WORKERS (HBW) POLICY FINALIZED - The finalized draft HBW Policy was handed over by the former Ministry of Women’s Development to the Ministry of Labor following the 18th Amendment to the Constitution of Pakistan. The Ministry of Labor revised the draft Policy from a labor perspective (with focus on HBW registration, labour inspection modalities, and measures for HBW access to social security benefits)
- 15 OCTOBER DECLARED AS NATIONAL DAY FOR RURAL WOMEN - UN Women’s support for the International Day of Rural Women (15 October) to underscore the leadership roles of rural women and highlight their issues related to recognition, invisibility in statistics, economic rights, food security, disaster risk management and peace processes, this year contributed to the Prime Minister declaring 15th October as National Rural Women’s Day
Under the ‘Ending Violence Against Women’ Programme
- PAKISTAN PENAL CODE ADOPTED - Amendment of Pakistan Penal Code to include Sexual Harassment at the Workplace was adopted in November and a National Implementation Watch Committee is established
- DOMESTIC VIOLENCE BILL ADOPTED - Domestic Violence Bill adopted by the National Assembly in September from where it would be passed to the Senate for adoption
- EVAWG ALLIANCE (PUNJAB) ESTABLISHED - Known as the ‘MUMKIN Alliance’, this is the first provincial chapter of the EVAWG Alliance established with support and guidance from UN Women to advance women friendly legislation at a local level, strengthen coordination between provincial stakeholders (including women machineries) and monitor State commitments
Under the ‘Women and Peace’ Programme
- GENDER TASK FORCES ESTABLISHED - Establishment of a national Gender Task Force within the Humanitarian Community and establishment of provincial Gender Task Forces in Sindh, Punjab, Balochistan, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) and the Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA). The Gender Task Force is an advisory body to the Humanitarian Country Team and is an overarching mechanism to promote interagency and multi-sectoral coordination and support the integrating of gender in the humanitarian response within the clusters and the agencies involved
- UN WOMEN CO-CONVENES HUMANITARIAN COUNTRY TEAM AND GENDER SUB CLUSTER - In addition to co-convening UN Women Pakistan supports integration of gender equality in the Pakistan Humanitarian Response Plan (PHRP) and various needs assessments
- AFGHAN/PAK DIALOGUE BETWEEN WOMEN’S LEADERS ON UN SCR 1325/1820 INITIATED - Peace dialogues between Afghanistan and Pakistan women peace activists, parliamentarians and NGO representatives provided a forum for shared understanding of conflict and future collaborations
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