Summary of Achievements in 2014
| 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 |
Under the ‘Women’s Human Rights and Governance’ Programme
- SOUTH-SOUTH EXCHANGE — The first ‘South Asia Regional Exchange Meeting of Women Parliamentarians, National Women Machineries and Commissions, and Election Management Bodies’ was held in Nepal, 15-17 July. The event placed the role of women in elections and political processes, including their leadership in decision-making processes, on the discourse agenda both at national and regional levels
- TWO LOCAL LEVEL INSTITUTIONAL MECHANISMS ESTABLISHED — (i) A Bill establishing the ‘Punjab Commission on the Status of Women’ as a medium to empower local women, expand opportunities for their socio-economic development and eliminate all forms of discrimination against them, and (ii) A Standing Committee on Women’s Empowerment in Balochistan under the leadership of the Minister of Women's Development Department, to monitor the implementation of women development related concerns and priorities in the province
Under the ‘Women’s Economic Empowerment’ Programme
- SKILLS DEVELOPMENT AND INCOME GENERATION — 23,785 women Home-Based Workers (HBWs) benefited from and improved their access to skills development, income generating opportunities, social security/health benefits and microcredit schemes, enabling them to participate more fully in the formal economy
- WOMEN HBWs TRAINED IN FOOD SECURITY — Over 300 women HBWs from urban slum areas of Karachi (Sindh) provided with education and training opportunities, including materials and tools to become food secure by growing their own leafy vegetables and generate additional income
- GOVERNMENT BUDGET ALLOCATIONS TO WEE — A total of PKR 78.2 million (USD 773,630) allocated by two local governments for local women HBWs. Punjab allocated PKR 75 million (USD 741,980) in three districts and two subdistricts to recognize and economically empower informal women HBWs in the region. The and State Government of Pakistan Administered Kashmir agreed to give PKR 3.2 million (USD 31,650) to the Bank of Azad, Jammu and Kashmir as payment for the mark-up on a micro-credit loaning scheme to support vulnerable and marginalized women HBWs
Under the ‘Ending Violence Against Women and Girls’ Programme
- ONE PRO-WOMEN LEGISLATIONS ADOPTED — The Domestic Violence Bill (to enhance prevention and protection of VAWG) was passed by the Provincial Government of Balochistan on 1 February
- ORANGE YOUR NEIGHBOURHOOD — Galvanized UN colleagues to stop violence against women and girls (VAWG) during 16 Days of Activism under the “Orange YOUR Neighbourhood” global campaign
- UN SYSTEM-WIDE ACTION PLAN (UN-SWAP) ON GENDER EQUALITY AND THE EMPOWERMENT OF WOMEN — In promoting accountability of the UN System in Pakistan on gender equality and women’s empowerment, UN Women led a process with the UN Inter Agency Group on Gender Equality (IAGonGE) to develop an Implementation Strategy to roll-out the UN System-Wide Action Plan (UN-SWAP) on Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women in Pakistan
Under the ‘Women in Disaster Risk Reduction and Management’ Initiatives
- ENHANCED CAPACITY OF PEACEKEEPERS ON GENDER — 60 UN military staff officers enhanced their knowledge on human rights, protection of civilians and issues pertaining to gender, sexual exploitation and abuses. The peacekeepers were also sensitized on UN Peacekeeping Policies, Operational Practices and Guidelines for peacekeepers from a gender perspective, including gender roles, under a collaboration with the National University of Science and Technology (NUST) and the NUST Institute of Peace and Conflict Studies (NIPCONS)
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