Summary of Achievements in 2016
| 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 |
Under the ‘Women’s Human Rights and Governance’ Programme
- TWO STRATEGIC IMPLEMENTATION PLANS OF PROVINCIAL GENDER EQUALITY POLICY FRAMEWORKS DEVELOPED — The Women’s Development Departments of Balochistan and Pakistan Administered Kashmir endorsed and disseminated strategic implementation plans of their Gender Equality Policy Frameworks (adopted in 2013 and 2012 respectively). UN Women technically supported the drafting of these 5-year plans (2016-2020) which focus on effective and catalytic coordination, and monitoring and reporting between government line departments, district offices and other stakeholders
- ONE KNOWLEDGE PRODUCT DEVELOPED — A study titled 'Violence Against Women in Politics (VAWP) was developed to support national and provincial institutions to formulate gender responsive policies/legislation to increase women's representation in political and electoral processes. The report is accompanied with a 2-page summary and 3 fact sheets, specifically addressing (i) Violence Against Women as Voters, (ii) Violence Against Women as Candidates and (iii) Violence Against Women as Electoral Staff
Under the ‘Women’s Economic Empowerment’ Programme
- SKILLS DEVELOPMENT AND INCOME GENERATION — Nearly 200 economically inactive and informal women workers benefitted from income generating opportunities (including skills development, capacity enhancement, increased knowledge and awareness of HBW concerns)
- TWO KNOWLEDGE PRODUCTS DEVELOPED AND DISSEMINATED - (i) A national level report titled: ‘Women’s Economic Participation and Empowerment - Status Report 2016’ led by the National Commission on the Status of Women; and (ii) the provincial focused 'Gender Responsive Socio-Economic Profiling of Punjab’s Economy' led by Punjab's Planning and Development Department
Under the ‘Ending Violence Against Women’ Programme
- NINE LAWS, POLICIES AND STRATEGIES DRAFTED AND/OR APPROVED — At the national level 4 bills were passed: (i) Electronic Crimes Bill 2015 on 13 April; (ii) The Hindu Marriage Bill 2016 on 26 September; (iii) Anti-Honour Killing Laws (Criminal Amendment Bill) 2015 on 7 October; and (iv) Anti-Rape Laws (Criminal Amendment Bill) 2015 on 7 October. At the Provincial level 5 bills were passed: (i) The Balochistan Child Protection Act, 2016 on 17 November; (ii) The Balochistan Protection Against Harassment of Women at Work Place on 22 January; (iii) The Punjab Protection of Women Against Violence Act 2016 on 29 February; (iv) The Hindu Marriage Bill 2016 on 15 February; and (v) The Sindh Criminal Law (Protection of Minorities) Bill, 2015 on 24 November
- TWO WOMEN CRISIS CENTERS (WCC) STRENGTHENED — 2 WCCs in Sibi and Quetta were refurbished and operationalized in Balochistan with facilities for quick and timely responses to victims of violence
- ONE HELPLINE SERVICE CENTER REACTIVATED — A helpline service center for women to report and seek assistance in case of violence and other emergencies was reactivated in Pakistan Administered Kashmir. The helpline previously established by Aurat Foundation (a local NGO) remained dormant post-project closure
- ONE KNOWLEDGE PRODUCT DEVELOPED — In collaboration with UNAIDS initiated a gender assessment of TB/HIV services to establish links between TB/HIV and assess how the existing services cater to the needs of women. The Study 'Assessment of TB & HIV Services in Pakistan Through a Gender Lens' commissioned by UNAIDS with UN Women participating as a Technical Agency was launched in July
- AWARENESS RAISING THROUGH COMMUNITY RADIO — In using civil society networks and community-based radios to raise awareness and prevent gender-based violence in Balochistan, UN Women supported drafting and dissemination of messages on women's rights and ending discrimination against them through FM Radio with the Provincial Disaster Management Authority and Pakistan Broadcasting Corporation
Under the ‘Women’s Leadership in Social Reconstruction’ Programme
- ONE REGIONAL JOINT DECLARATION ADOPTED — 1 regional Joint Resolution was endorsed by parliamentarians from Pakistan and Afghanistan during a virtual event held on 25 August to advance women’s role in stabilization and social reconstruction in the context of complex emergencies and natural disasters
- THREE POLICIES AND PLANS RESPONDING TO WOMEN AND GIRLS’ NEEDS IN DISASTERS AND COMPLEX EMERGENCIES — (i) The National Policy Guidelines on Vulnerable Groups; (ii) The Multi-Sectoral Policy Guidance for Risk Mitigation, Prevention and Response to GBV in Humanitarian Programming; and (iii) a joint work plan and pilot activities to implement the National Gender and Child Cell Framework and national policy guidelines
- WOMEN FROM DISPLACED COMMUNITIES ISSUED NATIONAL IDENTITY CARDS — 1,800 females from female headed households temporarily displaced from North Waziristan Agency in the Federally Administered Tribal Areas issued with Computerized National Identity Cards (CNICs). These women were supported in gathering (or re-issuing) their documents for CNIC application and their verification, and referral to NADRA for CNIC issuance
- FOUR KNOWLEDGE PRODUCTS DEVELOPED AND DISSEMINATED — 4 knowledge products were developed and published by the National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA): (i) An evidence based Atlas reflecting gender disaggregated data from 25 'disaster prone' districts to facilitate policy and decision makers to integrate needs and concerns of vulnerable groups in disaster and emergency related policies; (ii) Gender mapping of NDMA's Gender and Child Cell to strengthen the Cell and enhance its coordination mechanisms (internally and externally) to further address the needs and concerns of women, children and vulnerable groups; (iii) Needs and concerns of groups of vulnerable populations residing in the most disaster prone districts in Pakistan; and (iv) Policy guidelines implementation matrix to guide and integrate identified needs and concerns of vulnerable persons in existing and new policies
- JOINT ACTION PLANS DEVELOPED — A Joint Humanitarian Action Plan (abridged and long version) for Pakistan to advance gender equality and women’s empowerment in humanitarian actions developed in collaboration with UNOCHA
Under ‘Advocacy and Media Campaigns’
- UN WOMEN PAKISTAN SOCIAL MEDIA PLATFORMS LAUNCHED — The Office launched its newly established social media sites (Facebook, twitter and Instagram) in mid-November
- #BEATME CAMPAIGN — Ahead of 16 Days of Activism an ‘unconventional’ domestic violence campaign titled “#BeatMe” was launched showcasing a woman inviting a man to beat her - but at things she is good at. The campaign, aimed to inspire women to reaffirm that they are stronger than they are made to believe, and shatter the perception that a woman is weak, taking her from someone who is ‘beatable’ to being ‘unbeatable’. The Facebook post alone received nearly 2 million hits/impressions and half a million views (to year-end) and took a life of its own, starting a conversation amongst hundreds of thousands of people - engaging various generations, gender, socio-economic, ethnic backgrounds all over the world
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