The Academic Study of “The Urgency of Accelerating the Optimization of the Implementation of the Law on the Elimination of Violence in the Household”

The Academic Study of “The Urgency of Accelerating the Optimization of the Implementation of the Law on the Elimination of Violence in the Household”
Ministry of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection, National Commission on the Elimination of Violence against Women (Komnas Perempuan), and UN Women Indonesia

In 2004, the Indonesian government issued the Law on the Elimination of Violence in Households No. 23 of 2004 to shows its commitment to end violence against women in their private lives. This law has been implemented for 14 years.

The academic study of ‘The Urgency of Accelerating the Optimization of the Implementation of the Law on the Elimination of Violence in the Household”, is a joint undertaking of the Ministry of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection as well as the National Commission on the Elimination of Violence against Women (Komnas Perempuan) supported by UN Women. It attempts to look at the effectiveness of law No. 23 and the level of its implementation using the CEDAW as a guiding framework. The study draws on good practices and lessons learnt from national and sub-national levels on FGD and consultations with law enforcers, government, and the service provider forum (Forum Pengada Layanan). It provides an analysis of the implementation of the law and follows up with specific recommendations for various relevant stakeholders to improve the effectiveness of law No. 3 and its implementation.

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Bibliographic information

Geographic coverage: Indonesia
Publication year
Number of pages