Gender Equality Post COVID-19

Gender Equality Post COVID-19
The Asia-Pacific Gender in Humanitarian Action Working Group

Over one year into the COVID-19 pandemic, secondary waves continue to unfurl across fragile economic and social landscapes, with the most devastating consequences for individuals and groups with pre-existing vulnerabilities. As lockdowns and restrictions persist, inequalities that underscore the pervasive impacts of the pandemic threaten to further exacerbate conditions for those most marginalized and vulnerable. Disproportionate increases in inequalities for women across health, protection, education and livelihoods have resulted from the pandemic.

This report demonstrates how lived experiences during the pandemic are not only divided along gendered lines, but are also exacerbated by intersecting identities and vulnerabilities. Refugees and internally displaced people, people living with HIV, people with disabilities, LGBTQI+ communities, young girls, migrant workers, minorities and indigenous populations, populations living in rural or hard to reach areas, people living in climate-affected communities and those living in extreme poverty have been disproportionately impacted by the pandemic.

This report was produced by the Asia-Pacific Gender in Humanitarian Action Working Group, co-chaired by UN Women, CARE International and OCHA. This work has been made possible by supplementary funding from the Government of Japan.


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Bibliographic information

Geographic coverage: Asia and the Pacific
Publication year
Number of pages