2020年国际妇女节: 我们是 #平等的一代

数十年来,在世界各地,我们所有人都在争取性别平等的全球斗争中共同努力。从妇女参政论者们到“一个也不能少” 运动(Ni Una Menos),从索杰纳·特鲁斯(Sojourner Truth)到马拉拉·尤萨夫扎伊(Malala Yousafzai),活动家们和妇女运动一次又一次站出,来为一个更加公平的世界而呐喊。无论我们的年龄、国家、背景或性别如何,争取平等权利的斗争共同定义了我们的生活,我们必须共同采取行动实现这一目标。在今年国际妇女节,联合国妇女署的多代运动,即“平等的一代”,汇集了过去和现在的倡导者,要求在当今一代人实现性别平等。 自1995年通过《北京行动纲领》以来已有25年,该运动动员各国政府和民间社会采取大胆行动,兑现对富有远见的性别平等议程的承诺。本片由吉达·法赫里(Ghida Fakhry)讲述

474 results found

Ramida Jennie Juengpaisal | Voice

Date: Thursday, 8 April 2021

The highlights of the Interactive Dialogue on “Women in leadership: Achieving an equal future in a COVID-19 world” in commemoration of International Women’s Day 2021.Full video recording of the session: https://youtu.be/ksfqy_9RLgM or see more: https://asiapacific.unwomen.org/en/news-and-events/in-focus/internation…

Equally Sharing Household Responsibilities Brings the Family Closer

Date: Thursday, 8 April 2021

Household chores and care work are not the responsibility of women alone, other family members should share household work equally amongst each other. #EndGBV #GenerationEquality

Taking stock of progress on PVE from a gender perspective in Asia

Date: Monday, 5 April 2021

Recorded Facebook live.Taking stock of progress on PVE from a gender perspective in Asia30 March 2021, 10:00am-11:45am Bangkok (GMT+7)Music: Straight, http://bensound.comSong: On Woman, http://song.unwomen.org @UN Women

WEPs Virtual Signing Ceremony (WomenBizPH)

Date: Wednesday, 31 March 2021

Members of the Women's Business Council Philippines gathered for a virtual signing ceremony of the Women's Empowerment Principles (WEPs) this Wednesday. The session was hosted by the EU-funded WeEmpowerAsia programme of UN Women to highlight private sector commitment in advancing gender equality as part of the Women's History Month events.#WeEmpowerAsia

「Empowered Women, Peaceful Communities エンパワーされた女性、平和なコミュニティ」

Date: Tuesday, 23 March 2021

In order to effectively engage with the gendered dynamics of violent extremism and ensure that prevention and response efforts prioritize women’s rights, empowerment, participation, and leadership, UN Women, with the generous support of the Government of Japan, has been implementing the programmes on preventing violent extremism “Empowered Women, Peaceful Communities”, in South and South-east Asia with a focus on Indonesia, Bangladesh, and the Philippines since April 2017. In order to…

Asia-Pacific WEPs Awards 2020: National Winners, Thailand

Date: Monday, 22 March 2021

Meet the national winners of UN Women’s Asia-Pacific WEPs Awards from Thailand!Hosted by the EU-funded WeEmpowerAsia programme, respective gender champions in Leadership Commitment, Youth Leadership, Gender-inclusive Workplace, Gender-responsive Marketplace, Community and Industry Engagement, and COVID-19 Action were acknowledged and rewarded for their outstanding commitments and remarkable achievements.To learn more about the Asia-Pacific and the Thai WEPs Awards, please read the article…

Asia-Pacific WEPs Awards 2020: National Winners, China

Date: Monday, 22 March 2021

Meet the national winners of UN Women’s Asia-Pacific WEPs Awards from China!Hosted by the EU-funded WeEmpowerAsia programme, respective gender champions in Leadership Commitment, Youth Leadership, Gender-inclusive Workplace, Gender-responsive Marketplace, Community and Industry Engagement, and COVID-19 Action were acknowledged and rewarded for their outstanding commitments and remarkable achievements.To learn more about the Chinese National WEPs Awards, please read the article here…

Asia-Pacific WEPs Awards 2020: National Winners, The Philippines

Date: Monday, 22 March 2021

Meet the national winners of UN Women’s Asia-Pacific WEPs Awards from the Philippines!Hosted by the EU-funded WeEmpowerAsia programme, respective gender champions in Leadership Commitment, Youth Leadership, Gender-inclusive Workplace, Gender-responsive Marketplace, Community and Industry Engagement, and COVID-19 Action were acknowledged and rewarded for their outstanding commitments and remarkable achievements.To learn more about the Philippine National WEPs Awards, please read the article…

Asia-Pacific WEPs Awards 2020: National Winners, Malaysia

Date: Monday, 22 March 2021

Meet the national winners of UN Women’s Asia-Pacific WEPs Awards from Malaysia! Hosted by the EU-funded WeEmpowerAsia programme, respective gender champions in Leadership Commitment, Youth Leadership, Gender-inclusive Workplace, Gender-responsive Marketplace, Community and Industry Engagement, and COVID-19 Action were acknowledged and rewarded for their outstanding commitments and remarkable achievements. To learn more about the Asia-Pacific and the Malaysian WEPs Awards, please read the…

Standing Up to the Challenge: Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic in Asia and the Pacific | Webinar

Date: Monday, 22 March 2021

Virtual Side-event at the Asia Pacific Forum on Sustainable Development 2021: “Sustainable and resilient recovery from COVID-19 pandemic in Asia and the Pacific” Monday, 22 March 2021 | 10:00 – 11:30 Bangkok time (GMT+7) ::Panelists:: Dr. Tanarak Plipat, Inspector General, Ministry of Public Health, Thailand Nadira Yusoff, Founder and CEO, KiddoCare, Malaysia Nguyen Thi Ha, Sustainable Energy Manager, Green Innovation and Development Centre (GreenID), Viet Nam Ashok Pamidi, CEO, NASSCOM…

Wonder Women of Pakistan: Anita Karim

Date: Monday, 22 March 2021

Billions of people across the world stand on the right side of history every day. They speak up, take a stand, mobilize, and take big and small actions to advance women’s rights. This is Generation Equality."I am Generation Equality."::Anita Karim, Pakistan::Read more: http://asiapacific.unwomen.org/en/news-and-events/stories/2021/03/i-am-…

Asia-Pacific WEPs Awards 2020: National Winners, India

Date: Monday, 22 March 2021

Meet the national winners of UN Women’s Asia-Pacific WEPs Awards from India!Hosted by the EU-funded WeEmpowerAsia programme, respective gender champions in Leadership Commitment, Youth Leadership, Gender-inclusive Workplace, Gender-responsive Marketplace, Community and Industry Engagement, and COVID-19 Action were acknowledged and rewarded for their outstanding commitments and remarkable achievements.To learn more about the Indian National WEPs Awards, please read the article at…

Asia-Pacific WEPs Awards 2020: National Winners, Viet Nam

Date: Monday, 22 March 2021

Meet the national winners of UN Women’s Asia-Pacific WEPs Awards from Viet Nam! Hosted by the EU-funded WeEmpowerAsia programme, respective gender champions in Leadership Commitment, Youth Leadership, Gender-inclusive Workplace, Gender-responsive Marketplace, Community and Industry Engagement, and COVID-19 Action were acknowledged and rewarded for their outstanding commitments and remarkable achievements. To learn more about the Vietnamese National WEPs Awards, please read the article…

Asia-Pacific WEPs Awards 2020: National Winners, China

Date: Monday, 22 March 2021

Meet the national winners of UN Women’s Asia-Pacific WEPs Awards from China!Hosted by the EU-funded WeEmpowerAsia programme, respective gender champions in Leadership Commitment, Youth Leadership, Gender-inclusive Workplace, Gender-responsive Marketplace, Community and Industry Engagement, and COVID-19 Action were acknowledged and rewarded for their outstanding commitments and remarkable achievements.To learn more about the Chinese National WEPs Awards, please read the article here…

I am Generation Equality - BREAKTHROUGH

Date: Friday, 19 March 2021

BREAKTHROUGH is a movement of young Cambodian women, working to promote gender equality through storytelling and sharing of experiences.

WEPs Activator Malaysia (Bursa Malaysia)

Date: Friday, 19 March 2021

In celebration of Women's History Month, check out what Datuk Muhamad Umar Swift, CEO of Bursa Malaysia, says about the importance of empowering female workforce and ways to influence markets and supply chains to become more gender-inclusive. ❓ Are you part of the business community in Malaysia and want to know how to advance gender equality in your workplace, marketplace, and/or community? Then check out the #WEPsActivator Malaysia campaign co-led by UN Women's EU-funded #…

[Full] Minara one of Rohingya Women Leaders Combating for Gender Equality in COVID-19 Pandemic

Date: Thursday, 18 March 2021

Minara is a Community Outreach volunteer and Rohingya refugee; and survivor of Rakhine political repression. She fled from the conflict from Myanmar in August 2017, she is now living in a Rohingya refugee camp, in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh. Minara is a leader of the Rohingya women-led organization called "Education and Wisdom Development for Rohingya Women”. As a volunteer Rohingya Refugee camp, Minara is one of the beneficiaries of a UN Women Economic Empowerment Programme that aims at…

Minara one of Rohingya Women Leaders Combating for Gender Equality in COVID-19 Pandemic

Date: Thursday, 18 March 2021

Minara is a Community Outreach volunteer and Rohingya refugee; and survivor of Rakhine political repression. She fled from the conflict from Myanmar in August 2017, she is now living in a Rohingya refugee camp, in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh. Minara is a leader of the Rohingya women-led organization called "Education and Wisdom Development for Rohingya Women”. As a volunteer Rohingya Refugee camp, Minara is one of the beneficiaries of a UN Women Economic Empowerment Programme that aims at…

Women rights in Rohingya Women Leader Yasminnara’s Word

Date: Thursday, 18 March 2021

Yasminnara is a Community Outreach volunteer and Rohingya refugee; and survivor of Rakhine political repression. She fled from the conflict from Myanmar, she is now living in a Rohingya refugee camp, in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh. Yasminnara is a leader of the Rohingya women-led organization called "Rohingya Women Development Forum”. As a volunteer Rohingya Refugee camp, Yasminnara is one of the beneficiaries of a UN Women Economic Empowerment Programme that aims at empowering Rohingya…

WEPs Activator Malaysia (HSBC Malaysia)

Date: Wednesday, 17 March 2021

In celebration of Women's History Month,watch this video message from Neeti Mahajan, Managing Director for the Global Service Centre (GSC) at HSBC Malaysia, to learn what actions and initiatives her company takes to promote a gender-inclusive workplace and what are their core values.❓ Are you part of the business community in Malaysia and want to know how to advance gender equality in your workplace, marketplace, and/or community?Then check out the #WEPsActivator Malaysia campaign co-…