Summary of Achievements in 2010
| 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 |
Under the ‘Women’s Human Rights and Governance’ Programme
- TWO CEDAW PROVINCIAL COMMITTEES ESTABLISHED - Two provincial CEDAW Provincial Committees were established in Balochistan and Punjab
- MoU SIGNED BETWEEN UN WOMEN AND MINISTRY OF HUMAN RIGHTS - Through this MoU, UN Women agreed to support the Ministry of Human Rights (following devolution of the Ministry of Women’s Development; 18th Amendment to the Constitution) in promoting gender equality
Under the ‘Women’s Economic Empowerment’ Programme
- LABOUR POLICY 2010 APPROVED - The Policy was approved on 1 May 2010 and incorporates the concerns of Home Based Workers; the Policy came into effect from 1 June 2010
- PASSING OF HBW RESOLUTIONS IN THREE PROVINCIAL ASSEMBLIES - Four Resolutions on the Home-Based Workers Policy concerns were passed in three Provincial Assemblies in 2009 and 2010 (2 in Balochistan, 2009 and 2010; 1 in Punjab, 2009; and 1 in Sindh, 2010). The Resolutions demanded rights of HBWs as formal workers, their right to access minimum wages and social security be realized. This process entailed rigorous lobbying with the parliamentarians at the provincial level and HomeNet Pakistan played a key role in facilitating the resolutions tabled in the 2 provincial parliaments. UN Women has supported HomeNet Pakistan in its advocacy related initiatives since 2007
- BALOCHISTAN PROVINCIAL ASSEMBLY PASSED A RESOLUTION NO. C177 - this is in addition to an amendment made to the Labour Laws for HBWs on 10 May 2010
- DEVELOPMENT AND REVISION OF PROVINCIAL HBW POLICY IMPLEMENTATION FRAMEWORKS - Provincial level policy implementation frameworks were developed to support the provincial governments to implement the HBW Policy once they are adopted. (The frameworks were further revised in 2011 by the Ministry of Labor to address province specific HBWs issues in the Policy draft)
- HBW PILOT PROJECTS SHOWCASED AS MODELS FOR REPLICATION - Four HBW pilot projects were launched in 2010 (in Faisalabad, Hyderabad, Sialkot, and Umerkot) in collaboration with ILO to showcase replicable models to the Government of Pakistan on key features of the HBWs’ Policy. The pilots have resulted in a number of positive changes in the lives of many women home based workers, including registration within the formal workforce, access to free health facilities, improved household income and access to social security. Results from the Sialkot project were showcased to the Government and key stakeholders (in December 2011) for replicability at the national level
- INSTITUTIONALIZATION OF GENDER RESPONSIVE BUDGETING INITIATED - UN Women’s technical support to the Ministry of Finance to institutionalize the Gender Responsive Budgeting (GRB) during the budget making process resulted in sex disaggregation of data by the Ministries of Education and Health. This follows UN Women’s initial efforts in 2008 for sex disaggregated data in the Mid-Term Budgetary Framework (MTBF) with the Ministry of Finance and gender mainstreaming in the upcoming Mid Term Development Framework (MTDF) process in collaboration with the Planning Commission where UN Women reviewed the MTDF to identify gaps and opportunities on gender for the MTDF 2010-2015
- SAARC GENDER INFORMATION BASE (SGIB) DESK UNIT FUNCTIONAL and SGIB NATIONAL AND VALIDATION COMMITTEE INSTITUTIONALIZED - UN Women supported the Pakistan Census Office (PCO) for improved mechanisms of compiling gender-based information which significantly improved the coordination and data gathering system amongst various line ministries and the collaboration between CSO and the Government on gendering data collection processes and on data sources. As a result, the data was gathered on the prioritized SGIB indicators which was validated by the Validation Committee and uploaded on the SGIB website. This will be used as a baseline for the gender-based policy planning and programming
- CENSUS TRAINING MANUALS ENGENDERED - Training manuals for enumerators and census supervisors were gendered and translated to English to ensure quality review by international experts. A census training film is being prepared with the support from UN Women covering gender aspects of the census questionnaire. The Census has been postponed
Under the ‘Ending Violence Against Women’ Programme
- GUIDING PRINCIPLES FOR LEGISLATIVE REVIEW DEVELOPED - CEDAW guiding principles for the legislation on VAWG were developed and used by EVAW Alliance and in particular Acid Survivors Foundation during the drafting of the new Acid and Acid Crime Bill
- PROTECTION AGAINST THE SEXUAL HARASSMENT OF WOMEN AT THE WORKPLACE ACT ADOPTED - Adopted in March, this Act makes it compulsory for every organization to adopt a Code of Conduct to ensure an environment is free of harassment and intimidation
- CRIMINAL LAW (AMENDMENT) ACT ADOPTED - With the support and efforts of Civil Society Organizations, development partners and women legislators, the Government passed the Criminal Law (Amendment) Act in September - and elaborates the definition of sexual harassment, and covers all women including domestic workers and agricultural laborers
Under the ‘Women and Peace’ Programme
- NATIONAL GENDER AND CHILD CELL SET-UP - A national level Gender and Child Cell was successfully established and operationalized within the National Disaster Management Authority
- RAPID GENDER NEEDS ASSESSMENTS COMMISSIONED DURING FLOOD EMERGENCIES - The Rapid Gender Needs Assessment, commissioned by UN Women led to increased use of sex disaggregated data and gender analysis in response and re-stabilization efforts by humanitarian partners
- GENDER MARKERS APPLIED FOR FIRST TIME IN PAKISTAN - For the first time globally and nationally, Gender Markers were applied to a Flood Emergency Response Flash Appeal (which included a paragraph on Gender Equality), highlighting commitment of the humanitarian community in Pakistan towards gender equality - this has resulted in donor interest and funding towards 2a and 2b projects